How lending is the new way of investing?
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In India crowd funding is often used interchangeably with P2P lending. While conceptually they appear to be the same, there is an important difference between them. P2P lending creates a debtor/creditor relationship between two parties. There is a lender and a borrower coming on the P2P lending platform striking deals to lend and borrow money. Since it is a debt, there is interest payable on the sum and the principal has to be repaid at the end of the tenure. How does crowd funding differ then?
Unlike P2P lending, crowd funding is not in the form of a loan. It is either in the form of an assistance provided for a worthy cause without expecting anything in return or it is a platform to participate in the equity of a business. For example, if an aspiring director plans to make a movie on an art subject, there may not be too many financers willing to fund the project due to its limited commercial value. In such cases, the crowd funding platform can be used to invite contributions and promise contributors some benefits after the movie is made. In other words, crowd funding is a participation in the equity of a project while P2P lending is participation in debt.
While crowd funding platforms and P2P lending platforms in India are discrete, a combination of the two can be a big help for small businesses. Here is how one can go about it.